Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that compares two adjacent elements and swaps them until they are in the intended order.
Imagine you have a set of numbered cards that are all mixed up. With bubble sort, you start at one end and look at pairs of cards. If a card with a smaller digit is in front of a card with a larger number, you swap their places.
It’s called “bubble” sort because, this is like bubbles rising in water, the smaller numbers gradually move upwards in the list, each one finding its way to the correct place.
This keeps occurring until all the cards are in order—just like when all the bubbles reach the water’s surface, and everything’s resolved. That’s bubble sort algoritham

Bubble Sort Algorithm
bubbleSort(array) for i <- 1 to indexOfLastUnsortedElement-1 if leftElement > rightElement swap leftElement and rightElement end bubbleSort
# Bubble sort in Python def bubbleSort(array): # loop to access each array element for i in range(len(array)): # loop to compare array elements for j in range(0, len(array) - i - 1): # compare two adjacent elements # change > to < to sort in descending order if array[j] > array[j + 1]: # swapping elements if elements # are not in the intended order temp = array[j] array[j] = array[j+1] array[j+1] = temp data = [-2, 45, 0, 11, -9] bubbleSort(data) print('Sorted Array in Ascending Order:') print(data)
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bubbleSort(array) for i <- 1 to indexOfLastUnsortedElement-1 if leftElement > rightElement swap leftElement and rightElement end bubbleSort
Bubble Sort Code in Python, Java and C/C++
# Bubble sort in Python def bubbleSort(array): # loop to access each array element for i in range(len(array)): # loop to compare array elements for j in range(0, len(array) - i - 1): # compare two adjacent elements # change > to < to sort in descending order if array[j] > array[j + 1]: # swapping elements if elements # are not in the intended order temp = array[j] array[j] = array[j+1] array[j+1] = temp data = [-2, 45, 0, 11, -9] bubbleSort(data) print('Sorted Array in Ascending Order:') print(data)
// Bubble sort in Java import java.util.Arrays; class Main { // perform the bubble sort static void bubbleSort(int array[]) { int size = array.length; // loop to access each array element for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) // loop to compare array elements for (int j = 0; j < size - i - 1; j++) // compare two adjacent elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[j] > array[j + 1]) { // swapping occurs if elements // are not in the intended order int temp = array[j]; array[j] = array[j + 1]; array[j + 1] = temp; } } public static void main(String args[]) { int[] data = { -2, 45, 0, 11, -9 }; // call method using class name Main.bubbleSort(data); System.out.println("Sorted Array in Ascending Order:"); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(data)); } }
// Bubble sort in C #include <stdio.h> // perform the bubble sort void bubbleSort(int array[], int size) { // loop to access each array element for (int step = 0; step < size - 1; ++step) { // loop to compare array elements for (int i = 0; i < size - step - 1; ++i) { // compare two adjacent elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[i] > array[i + 1]) { // swapping occurs if elements // are not in the intended order int temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[i + 1]; array[i + 1] = temp; } } } } // print array void printArray(int array[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { printf("%d ", array[i]); } printf("\n"); } int main() { int data[] = {-2, 45, 0, 11, -9}; // find the array's length int size = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); bubbleSort(data, size); printf("Sorted Array in Ascending Order:\n"); printArray(data, size); }
// Bubble sort in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; // perform bubble sort void bubbleSort(int array[], int size) { // loop to access each array element for (int step = 0; step < size; ++step) { // loop to compare array elements for (int i = 0; i < size - step; ++i) { // compare two adjacent elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[i] > array[i + 1]) { // swapping elements if elements // are not in the intended order int temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[i + 1]; array[i + 1] = temp; } } } } // print array void printArray(int array[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { cout << " " << array[i]; } cout << "\n"; } int main() { int data[] = {-2, 45, 0, 11, -9}; // find array's length int size = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); bubbleSort(data, size); cout << "Sorted Array in Ascending Order:\n"; printArray(data, size); }
Optimized Bubble Sort Algorithm
In this algorithm, all the comparisons are made even if the array is already sorted.
This increases the performance time.
To solve this, we can introduce an additional variable swapped
. The value of swapped
is set true if there appears swapping of elements. Otherwise, it is set false.
After an iteration, if there is no swapping, the value of swapped
will be false. This means elements are already sorted and there is no requirement to perform further iterations.
This will decrease the implementation time and helps to optimize the bubble sort.
bubbleSort(array) swapped <- false for i <- 1 to indexOfLastUnsortedElement-1 if leftElement > rightElement swap leftElement and rightElement swapped <- true end bubbleSort
Optimized Bubble Sort in Python, Java, and C/C++
# Optimized Bubble sort in Python def bubbleSort(array): # loop through each element of array for i in range(len(array)): # keep track of swapping swapped = False # loop to compare array elements for j in range(0, len(array) - i - 1): # compare two adjacent elements # change > to < to sort in descending order if array[j] > array[j + 1]: # swapping occurs if elements # are not in the intended order temp = array[j] array[j] = array[j+1] array[j+1] = temp swapped = True # no swapping means the array is already sorted # so no need for further comparison if not swapped: break data = [-2, 45, 0, 11, -9] bubbleSort(data) print('Sorted Array in Ascending Order:') print(data)
// Optimized Bubble sort in Java import java.util.Arrays; class Main { // perform the bubble sort static void bubbleSort(int array[]) { int size = array.length; // loop to access each array element for (int i = 0; i < (size-1); i++) { // check if swapping occurs boolean swapped = false; // loop to compare adjacent elements for (int j = 0; j < (size-i-1); j++) { // compare two array elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[j] > array[j + 1]) { // swapping occurs if elements // are not in the intended order int temp = array[j]; array[j] = array[j + 1]; array[j + 1] = temp; swapped = true; } } // no swapping means the array is already sorted // so no need for further comparison if (!swapped) break; } } public static void main(String args[]) { int[] data = { -2, 45, 0, 11, -9 }; // call method using the class name Main.bubbleSort(data); System.out.println("Sorted Array in Ascending Order:"); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(data)); } }
// Optimized Bubble sort in C #include // perform the bubble sort void bubbleSort(int array[], int size) { // loop to access each array element for (int step = 0; step < size - 1; ++step) { // check if swapping occurs int swapped = 0; // loop to compare array elements for (int i = 0; i < size - step - 1; ++i) { // compare two array elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[i] > array[i + 1]) { // swapping occurs if elements // are not in the intended order int temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[i + 1]; array[i + 1] = temp; swapped = 1; } } // no swapping means the array is already sorted // so no need for further comparison if (swapped == 0) { break; } } } // print array void printArray(int array[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { printf("%d ", array[i]); } printf("\n"); } // main method int main() { int data[] = {-2, 45, 0, 11, -9}; // find the array's length int size = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); bubbleSort(data, size); printf("Sorted Array in Ascending Order:\n"); printArray(data, size); }
// Optimized bubble sort in C++ #include <iostream> using namespace std; // perform bubble sort void bubbleSort(int array[], int size) { // loop to access each array element for (int step = 0; step < (size-1); ++step) { // check if swapping occurs int swapped = 0; // loop to compare two elements for (int i = 0; i < (size-step-1); ++i) { // compare two array elements // change > to < to sort in descending order if (array[i] > array[i + 1]) { // swapping occurs if elements // are not in intended order int temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[i + 1]; array[i + 1] = temp; swapped = 1; } } // no swapping means the array is already sorted // so no need of further comparison if (swapped == 0) break; } } // print an array void printArray(int array[], int size) { for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { cout << " " << array[i]; } cout << "\n"; } int main() { int data[] = {-2, 45, 0, 11, -9}; // find the array's length int size = sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0]); bubbleSort(data, size); cout << "Sorted Array in Ascending Order:\n"; printArray(data, size); }
Bubble Sort Complexity
Time Complexity | |
Best | O(n) |
Worst | O(n2) |
Average | O(n2) |
Space Complexity | O(1) |
Stability | Yes |
Complexity in details
Bubble Sort Compares the adjacent elements
Cycle | Number of Comparisons |
1st | (n-1) |
2nd | (n-2) |
3rd | (n-3) |
……. | …… |
last | 1 |
Hence, the umber of comparision is
(n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) +.....+ 1 = n(n-1)/2
nearly equals to n2
Hence, Complexity O(n2)
Also, if we observe the code, bubble sort requires two loops. Hece, the complexity is n*n = n2
1. Time Complexities
- Worst Case Complexity:
If we want to sort in ascending order and the array is in descending order then the worst case occurs. - Best Case Complexity:
If the array is already sorted, then there is no need for sorting. - Average Case Complexity:
It occurs when the elements of the array are in jumbled order (neither ascending nor descending).
2. Space Complexity
- Space complexity is
because an extra variable is used for swapping. - In the optimized bubble sort algorithm, two extra variables are used. Hence, the space complexity will be
Bubble Sort Applications
Bubble sort is used if
- complexity does not matter
- short and simple code is preferred
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